Michael Phelps opens up about struggling with mental health amid coronavirus
Michael Phelps wanted to remind people that his battle against mental health issues has no "finish line." There's no neat and tidy end to his daily struggles with depression, even if the media portrays him in way that show he's somehow made a complete comeback -- and that he's beaten the disease.
He hasn't -- he won't.
Amid the coronavirus outbreak and during the rigors of quarantine, Phelps admitted he is struggling more than ever. And he seems to want to encourage others to create a health discourse around mental health during the pandemic.
Here's what Phelps, who is becoming something of a mental health advocate, wrote in a story for ESPN.com:
Phelps issued a reminder: the times when he's needed help the most have often been the times when he's least likely to seek help from a therapist. But that's the time when people need to take care of themselves.
In other words, love yourself at a time when it's enormously important to do so. Love yourself, even -- and maybe especially -- when you don't feel like you can.
To read the whole article from Phelps, you can check it out on ESPN.
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